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Markham, ON implements online voter registration and ballot verification for municipal elections

Markham, ON Online Voter Registration Verification Elections


Elections Markham sent Voter Information Letters with PINs for online registration in seven languages. This automated system used eSignature technology for verification of applicant eligibility. Once registered, voters had the option to fill out their ballots on a secure online platform. Online voters used the Scytl Verify app to confirm ballot receipt and accuracy within 30 minutes of voting. Scytl Verify searches for digital signatures on ballots that are removed once canvassing begins.


Markham, ON

City in Ontario

CA flag



Verify Your Vote - City of Markham

Using the Scytl Verify app gives you added confidence & transparency in online voting

Projekt lyckat

Markham recorded a 93% voter turnout for the municipal election and achieved reductions in processing times of up to 60%.

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