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San Diego County, CA provided specialized training to dispatchers to identify potential hate crimes

San Diego County, CA hate crimes training 911 dipatchers


San Diego County dispatchers received specialized training from the Deputy District Attorney to identify potential hate crimes. Hate crimes are notoriously difficult to prosecute without evidence proving the motive so the training focused primarily on teaching the San Diego County 911 dispatchers the role they can play in gathering key evidence to proving bias.


San Diego County, CA

County in California

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United States



911 dispatcher’s role in hate crime prosecutions | KPBS Public Media

Hate crimes are on the rise in San Diego, but without evidence proving motive, such crimes are hard to prosecute. That's why the county is teaching 911 dispatchers the role they can play in gathering key evidence. Also, San Diego’s already bleak childcare landscape could get even worse as provider’s struggle to make money. Plus, San Diego public transit is getting an influx of federal money thanks to the return of congressional earmarks.


911 dispatchers could be key in prosecuting more hate crimes | KPBS Public Media

Hate crimes are on the rise in San Diego, but without evidence proving motive, such crimes are hard to prosecute.

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