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Wellington Regional Council, NZ provided its regional park rangers with electric bikes

Wellington Regional Council, NZ electric bikes park rangers


Wellington Regional Council provided its regional park rangers with electric bikes as part of its goal to become carbon neutral by 2030. The electric bikes improve the mobility of park rangers while reducing the amount of time they spent in vehicles thereby decreasing carbon emissions. The KTM electric mountain bikes were supplied by Electrify NZ. The electric bikes will be used by park rangers for track building, facility inspections, general rounds, etc.


Wellington Regional Council, NZ

Regional council in New Zealand

NZ flag

New Zealand


NZ's Electric Bike Specialists | Ebikes NZ Free Test Rides

Electrify NZ are New Zealand's electric bike specialists. We have 9 locally-owned stores nationwide covering Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Nelson Christchurch and Dunedin. Book your free test ride online.

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