Pitkin County, CO is developing a diverse community steering committee for policy recommendations
Pitkin County, CO diverse community steering committee
Pitkin County is developing a community steering committee to provide recommendations on the local growth management system. The diversity of backgrounds and knowledge among committee members is a priority for the county to ensure that all perspectives are considered in policy development. The community steering committee will gather input from neighborhood caucuses and public input sessions then deliver their recommendations to the county's Planning and Zoning Commission.
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Information for the public outreach on growth, intensity and its impacts, and climate change.
Application: Pitkin County Community Growth Advisory Committee
The Pitkin County Growth Advisory Committee was established by the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) to provide recommendations for limiting and mitigating the impacts of growth and development on our community and our climate. Members of the Advisory Committee will be asked to bring varied perspectives on growth and development to find compromises that best meet the vision and goals of the community and develop code amendment recommendations for Planning and Zoning Commission and BoCC consideration. BOCC Vision: Utilize growth management and the County Land-Use Code to create an equitable, sustainable and resilient quality of life and economy for the region's future, and meet the county's climate action objectives. BOCC Goals: Reducing square feet in the county's built environment and utilizing other limitation and mitigation strategies in order to achieve the climate action goal of reducing emissions by 90% (using 2019 emissions data), while also looking at demolition, redevelopment, Transferable Development Rights (TDR), & Growth Management Quota System (GMQS). The Committee will be comprised of group will include 20-25 community members that represent broad interests. The BoCC will select and appoint all members. Applications are open to anyone that meets that resides or works in Pitkin County and meets at least one of the sector/interest groups outlined below.
Pitkin County ready to change growth management system based on climate goals | AspenTimes.com
Pitkin County is preparing to start a review of its growth management system that could lead to major changes. It will create a steering committee to do the heavy lifting.
Pitkin County commissioners find themselves outside alleged ‘good old boys’ club | AspenTimes.com
The Pitkin County commissioners are considering dropping out of a state association for county governments because of misogynistic behavior and “good old boy” tactics.
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