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Tamarac, FL and Broward County enhance public safety by sharing emergency services infrastructure

Tamarac, FL interlocal emergency services infrastructure

En cours

The city of Tamarac entered into an interlocal agreement with Broward County to boost public safety, resilience, and emergency preparedness by sharing public safety radio systems and dispatch services. Examples include: Broward County Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services for the city, the city of Tamarac's Fire Rescue Department is dispatched by the Broward County Sheriff's Office IT, and the city of Tamarac provides the infrastructure for the county's body cameras.


Tamarac, FL

Municipality in Florida

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United States

Gouvernements impliqués


Broward County, FL

US flag

United States

Digne d'intérêt


Tamarac, Fla., Boosts Resilience with County Partnership

Hurricane-prone Tamarac, Fla., is a small city that makes the most of limited resources to support public safety. They work with Broward County via an interlocal agreement in which they share 911 services and Sheriff's Office IT.


Tamarac, Fla., Boosts Resilience with County Partnership - NewsBreak

Small jurisdictions are just as vulnerable to earthquakes, wildfires, floods and tornadoes as their larger counterparts, but often don’t have the budgets to invest in high-tech interventions. Some, however, are being creative with less expensive innovations. Roanoake, Va., for example, is using sensors that monitor water quality and flow in storm...

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