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New York, NY expands its inmate tablet program to help incarcerated individuals during COVID-19

New York, NY expands inmate tablet program

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The New York City Department of Correction is expanding its inmate tablet program to provide individuals in custody with information and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. The tablets are useful tools for improving inmate behaviors, offering college preparation classes, and replacing in-person visits during the pandemic. The city has over 1,000 tablets in circulation so nearly every inmate has access except for those in restrictive housing, new admissions, and asymptomatic COVID-19 units.


New York, NY

Municipality in New York

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United States

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NYC Corrections Department Expands Inmate Tablet Program

The New York City Department of Correction has increased the use of tablets since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to help offer information and resources to the individuals in custody within its facilities.


NYC Corrections Department Expands Inmate Tablet Program | Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

The New York City Department of Correction increases the use of tablets since the start of the pandemic to help offer information and resources to the individuals in custody.

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