Hudson's Hope, BC reduces energy costs with the largest municipal solar project in British Columbia
Hudson's Hope, BC Largest Municipal Solar Project
The district worked with Peace Energy Cooperative to design solar systems for nine municipal properties. This 500-kilowatt network uses 1,550 solar panels to produce at least 50% of the energy needs for each building. Local officials added flair to the project with a 10 kW solar wave sculpture at the public pool. Hudson's Hope saves $74,000 CAD per year from solar energy, reducing annual energy costs by 75%.
Hudson's Hope cuts the ribbon on municipal solar project | Alaska Highway News
The District of Hudson’s Hope celebrated the completion of its municipal solar power system with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 2. “In the 25 years that I’ve been on council, I’ve never been . . .
Hudsons Hope Community Solar Initiative and Peace Energy Cooperative – Peace Energy Cooperative
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