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The Hague, ZH recruits residents reporters to inform neighborhood agendas for the next four years

The Hague, ZH Neighborhood Reporters Agendas Four Years

In corso

Residents of the Bouwlust and Vrederust districts can register for the three-week sprint to gather local stories. Volunteer reporters speak with their neighbors about what they like, dislike, and want from their districts. Each reporter submits up to 10 stories and receives a 10-euro voucher per story for local shops. Submitted stories are used to construct four-year agendas that address each neighborhood's three most important goals.


The Hague, ZH

Municipality in Zuid-Holland

NL flag


Degno di nota


Den Haag - Word wijkreporter voor Bouwlust en Vrederust

Wilt u weten wat buurtbewoners in Bouwlust of Vrederust willen veranderen in hun wijk? Word wijkreporter en verzamel verhalen van uw buren. Bijvoorbeeld over meer groen, ontmoetingsplekken of activiteiten voor de jeugd. De gemeente gebruikt de verhalen in de wijkagenda. Hierin staan de belangrijkste verbeterpunten voor de wijk.

Altro da The Hague

The Hague, ZH encourages neighborhood-level improvements through participatory budgeting

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