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Louisville, KY trials crisis interventions for non-emergency calls in Fourth Patrol Division

Louisville, KY Non-Emergency Crisis Intervention Trial

Em andamento

Local officials chose the Fourth Division for the pilot due to its high non-emergency call rate. Two Crisis Triage Workers (CTWs) evaluate 911 calls alongside MetroSafe dispatchers for resolution by phone. A seven-member mobile response team with mental health training is available for on-site assistance if initial consultations are insufficient. Case managers follow up with callers who are referred to local respite centers, shelters, and service providers.


Louisville, KY

Municipality in Kentucky

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United States



Mayor Fischer announces official start of pilot project to deflect some 911 calls to a non-police response |

Mayor Greg Fischer announced today that a pilot program to deflect a number of 911 calls to a non-police response has officially begun in Louisville Metro Police Department’s Fourth Division. “We know that some situations where people are calling for police are really better served by a social service response,” said Mayor Fischer, whose FY22 budget included a nearly $5 million investment for this work as part of his “whole of government, whole of city” approach to public safety.


Louisville to launch pilot for crisis intervention teams to respond to some 911 calls | News |

The city outlined the new program that it says will reimagine public safety.

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