Inner West, NSW creates civic education program ahead of referendum on indigenous representation
Inner West, NSW Civic Education Program Representation
The national Voice to Parliament Referendum proposed a new body of elected Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Inner West and the Sydney Alliance recruited 1,000 residents for free training on voter outreach. Participants communicated with fellow Inner West residents about the voting process and related documents like the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Inner West also undertook regional education efforts to increase turnout for the referendum.
Inner West to recruit 1,000 locals for Voice to Parliament program - Inside Local Government
Inner West Council has announced it will train 1,000 local citizens in a civic education program to build awareness about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the upcoming Referendum on the Voice to Parliament. The program was proposed by Inner West Mayor, Darcy Byrne at last month’s Council meeting and passed unanimously. “This Referendum […]
Perfect Match applications more than doubled - Inner West Council
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