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Modesto, CA considers approving an electric scooter pilot program with Bird Rides partner

Modesto, CA Bird Rides e-scooter pilot program


The city of Modesto is considering a pilot program with Bird Rides a Santa Monica-based electric micro-mobility company. If approved by the Modesto City Council, Bird Rides would deploy at least 50 electric scooter rentals at central locations throughout city streets and pay the city five cents per ride to help pay for transportation improvements. According the the California Vehicle Code, riders would be required to have a driver's license, not carry passengers, and travel under 15 mph.


Modesto, CA

Municipality in California

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United States



Modesto, Calif., Considers Approving Electric Scooters

The city is considering a pilot program with Bird Rides, a Santa Monica-based company that provides electric bicycles and scooters, operating rental programs in about 400 communities throughout the world.


Council approves electric scooter plan

Dec. 14—Electric scooters could be available soon as an alternative way to navigate downtown Muskogee. Councilors granted approval Monday to an ordinance regulating use of electric scooters on Muskogee streets and a related fee schedule. They also approved a contract with Bird, a publicly traded company based in Santa Monica, California, that provides micromobility solutions to communities and ...

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