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Greater London Authority, GB Challenge LDN seeks ideas for predicting planning permission approval

Greater London Authority, GB Challenge LDN Predictive Plan


Challenge LDN asks participants for ideas on predicting planning permission approval based on available data. Individuals and teams submit new methodologies for evaluating applications on the Planning London Datahub. Ten finalists are selected based on criteria including scalability, collaboration, and innovation. Each finalist receives £500 and works with planning experts on idea development. Winning innovations share £3,500 and provide the certainty necessary for smart growth.


Greater London Authority, GB

Greater london authority in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


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Do you have ideas that could help solve city challenges? Find out how you can get involved with Challenge LDN Predictive Analytics for Infrastructure Planning.

Mer från Greater London Authority

Greater London Authority, GB captures city trends in data with State of London Dashboard
Greater London Authority, GB Civic Data Innovation Challenge improves metrics of civic life

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