Thurston County, WA implements Public Safety Assessment tool for transparent pretrial decisions
Thurston County, WA Public Safety Assessment Pretrial Tool
Thurston County's Pretrial Services team uses the PSA in deciding pretrial release or detainment conditions. PSA is a risk assessment method built on demographic and criminal justice data validated by RTI International. PSA results, case evidence, and constitutional requirements inform pretrial conditions in every case. County officials pursued a multi-year development process for the PSA as part of its involvement in the national Advancing Pretrial Policy & Research program.
Thurston County Launches Pretrial Assessment to Improve Pretrial System | Thurston County
Thurston County launches pretrial assessment tool to improve pretrial system | The Daily Chronicle
After more than four years of work on pretrial justice improvements, Thurston County announced the official launch of the Public Safety Assessment (PSA), a validated pretrial risk assessment tool the …
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