Violation Systems
Wein, WIE created an online whistleblower platform for voluntary anonymous reporting
The city of Wein created an online whistleblower platform that enables users to submit anonymous information about suspected legal violations. The platform was designed for municipal employees or anyone who partners with the city of Wein. Information can be voluntarily submitted on suspected cases of corruption, economic crimes, and serious compliance violations.
Wien (Vienna), WIE
Albuquerque, NM considers a traffic camera system which only targets vehicles at dangerous speeds
The City of Albuquerque is considering installing a new automated traffic camera system created by Redflex Traffic Systems. The mobile traffic camera system would only target vehicles moving at dangerous speeds. Violators would receive civil citations which would be handled administratively like parking tickets. Violators would have access to an appeal process and anyone who cannot afford fines would be offered alternatives such as community service.
Albuquerque, NM
United States
Strathcona County, AB Community Peace Officers piloted an eTicketing system for parking enforcement
Strathcona County's Community Peace Officers piloted an eTicketing system for parking enforcement. The officers were able to scan a driver's license to digitally record driver information and immediately print an eTicket. Whenever an eTicket was issued it was automatically entered into the provincial court system. The eTicketing system was designed to increase safety by reducing the amount of dangerous time officers and residents spend roadside during ticketing.
Strathcona County, AB
Cook County, IL launched a public crime data dashboard with easy access for policymakers
The city has launched a crime data dashboard designed to provide policymakers with easy access to the most current information on local felony crimes. These highly detailed reports provide incident and outcome data that can be used to improve public safety with informed policy.
Cook County, IL
United States
New Orleans, LA Real-Time Crime Center assists first responders
The RTCC uses cameras, license plate readers and software to integrate information from a variety of sources. Critical information is provided to first responders in the field to help assist with investigations of criminal activity or quality of life concerns.
New Orleans, LA
United States
Portland, OR developed an interactive dashboard combining data-driven policing and crime mapping
The city of Portland improved transparency, accountability, and community engagement by publishing an interactive dashboard that combines data-driven policing and crime mapping. The crime map gives residents a user-friendly way to view and analyze data on reported crimes throughout the city.
Portland, OR
United States