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Coral Springs, FL developed a damage rapid assessment application to assist in emergency operations

Coral Springs, FL damage assessment application emergencies


The City of Coral Springs partnered with ESRI to develop a damage rapid assessment application to support emergency response management during a natural disaster or catastrophic event. The application can be deployed in the field to collect data including: the type of damage, severity, amount of injured people, hazards, GPS coordinates, surveillance images, etc. The collected data is transmitted vis cellular connection to the Emergency Operations Center and displayed in a real-time dashboard.


Coral Springs, FL

Municipality in Florida

US flag

United States



Smart 50 Awards

Introduction to Damage Assessment—ArcGIS Solutions | Documentation

Learn about the value, capabilities, requirements, and information products of the Damage Assessment solution.

Erfolgreiche Projekte

The application enables the city to collect damage reports, monitor the impact on the community, brief internal stakeholders, and share information with the public. The live tracking of incidents enables emergency services to address triage for widespread incidents and prioritize response deployments. The application also helps the city analyze whether any incident-related costs and damages qualify for State and/or Federal assistance.


Smart 50 Awards

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