Ajax, ON

City in Ontario

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119.7k population • CA$1 budget

Ajax, ON Council Decision Dashboard simplifies project management and tracking by town departments

The Council Decision Dashboard is an interactive resource shaped by eight years of town council motions. An overview page visualizes council motion types, outcomes, and statuses by year and department. This internal dashboard helps department heads plan budgetary and staff requests, while town leaders can monitor project progress. Ajax developed the dashboard as part of a data visualization initiative that also produced a fire incident map and a snow removal app.

Data Governance / Data Management+3

Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON Diversity and Inclusion Web Portal consolidates resources and initiatives for community use

The portal highlights town efforts like Positive Spaces for LGBT community members and the #AjaxForAll anti-racism campaign. A Truth and Reconciliation section suggests ways residents can support Indigenous communities in the region. Town programs like the Ajax Shining Star Bursary Program for underserved students are accessible from the portal. Readers interested in Black-owned businesses also find a directory of 70 companies compiled by the Ajax Anti-Black Racism Task Force.


Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON partnered with local restaurants to host a kitchen fire safety scavenger hunt for residents

The Town of Ajax partnered with local restaurants and grocery stores to host a kitchen fire safety scavenger hunt. The "Serving up Fire Safety in the Kitchen" contest prizes included fabric cooler totes filled with kitchen safety items and $500 in donated gift cards. Participants visited local storefronts, read fire safety messages for clues, and emailed the hidden message to Ajax Fire and Emergency Services. Every winner was also required to answer a fire safety question to receive a prize.

Emergency Preparedness+3

Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON hosts a bi-annual "Get Real Ajax" fire safety campaign focused on citizen engagement

The Town of Ajax hosts the bi-annual "Get Real Ajax" campaign to raise awareness about fire safety. During the campaign local households receive an automated voicemail with fire safety tips from the Ajax Fire Chief, an information card in the mail, and an in-person visit from Ajax firefighters. The town posts a fire safety video on social media and encourages the use of the hashtag #GetRealAjax. The campaign reduces fire-related fatalities, injuries and property damage with safety education.

Emergency Preparedness+3

Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON used local business advertising space to pay for additional waste receptacles

The Town of Ajax partnered with Creative Outdoor Advertising to increase the availability of waste receptacles in high traffic locations without raising taxes. The town installed 31 three-stream waste receptacles and Creative Outdoor Advertising provided advertising space to local businesses. The partnership provides local businesses access to affordable advertising opportunities and that advertising pays for the waste removal.

Waste Management+2

Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON launched a trial of an Occasional Use On-Street Parking Permit System using its mobile app

The Town of Ajax launched a one-year trial of an Occasional Use On-Street Parking Permit System using its AppJAX mobile app. Residents and visitors can use the app to acquire a free parking permit for residential streets which remains valid for 24 hours. These permits are issued electronically and automatically linked to the driver's license plate. Residents are limited to twelve of these permits a year per license plate.

Citizen Services+4

Ajax, ON

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Ajax, ON hosted an interactive video series for direct access to Council members during COVID-19

The Town of Ajax hosted an interactive Facebook Live series "At Home with Ajax Council" to provide residents direct access to Council members from the safety of home. This unique virtual engagement opportunity allowed residents to submit questions in the comments section during the live feed. Regional Councillors and the Mayor each hosted their own one-hour event to discuss the impact of COVID-19, participate with residents through interactive activities, and answer viewers direct questions.

Video Streaming+5

Ajax, ON

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