Davenport, IA

Municipality in Iowa

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99.7k population • $142.0m budget

Davenport, IA Davenport Strengths Institute provides city staff with leadership development training

The city of Davenport launched the Davenport Strengths Institute (DSI) to provide city staff with leadership development training and foster working relationships. The goal of the DSI is to create well-rounded employees who can respond to complex situations and evolve with changing organizational needs. The DSI curriculum is based on Gallup’s materials in addition to training on workplace appreciation, the growth mindset, unconscious bias, and leading positive change in the workplace.

Workforce Management+3

Davenport, IA

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Davenport, IA is drafting an ordinance to approve a pilot of the Bird e-scooter rental service

The City of Davenport is drafting an ordinance to allow the electric scooter company Bird to offer a rental service to residents. If approved, the pilot project would include approximately 150 e-scooters to provide a micro-mobility transportation option in restricted zones. Bird would pay the city five cents for every user ride on a quarterly basis and children ages 12 to 17 would only be allowed to use the scooters if accompanied by an adult.


Davenport, IA

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Davenport, IA strengthens neighborhood leadership in city affairs with Good Neighbor Project

Davenport residents are encouraged to reach out to their neighbors and create local groups. Each group meets quarterly with local police and community development staffers to learn how the city can serve their needs. Neighborhood groups maintain open channels to the city and create communication methods for their residents. The Good Neighbor Project promotes proactive efforts in partnership with the city to resolve issues like park maintenance and speeding.

Public Safety+4

Davenport, IA

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