Fremantle, WA

City in Western Australia

AU flag


30.9k population • AU$130.1m budget

Fremantle, WA and East Fremantle seek reductions in single-use cups with Our Kinds partnership

Local officials approved the partnership in anticipation of a 2023 state ban on single-use plastic coffee cups. Twelve shops across the two municipalities were recruited for the three-month pilot. Our Kinds supplies each shop with reusable cups, which are then offered to every customer. Reusable cups are used, washed, and returned to the shop at no cost to the customer or owner. QR codes on the cups are scanned upon return for data on program participation.

Environmental Services+3

Fremantle, WA

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East Fremantle, WA

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Fremantle, WA mobilizes community to support struggling residents with Neighbour 2 Neighbour

Volunteers recruited by mailers and social media are assigned to isolated or in-need residents during lockdowns. Typical assignments included check-in calls, dog walking, and grocery deliveries. The city hosts a monthly Together Again Cafe that encourages safe socialization and activities at Fremantle Park Sports and Community Centre. Neighbour 2 Neighbour led to a local services map, support staff at the library, and quick-response grants for street-level projects.

Health & Human Services+3

Fremantle, WA

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Fremantle, WA teaches residents how to reduce food waste with One Change at a Time pilot

Twenty Fremantle residents are eligible for a free online program through The Sustainable Community Club (SCC). An eight-week course teaches food preparation and consumption habits that minimize waste sent to the landfill. SCC and the council ask participants to audit waste bins throughout the pilot to evaluate their progress. Participating households are eligible for discounts at sustainable eateries and businesses in Fremantle.

Waste Management+2

Fremantle, WA

AU flag


Fremantle, WA creates incentives for parking app use with Parking Smartz campaign

Fremantle offered a free month of off-street parking for new PayStay app users who completed one parking reservation during a three-week period. Parking Smartz participants also entered a drawing for a year of free parking by completing a survey about their app experiences. The council selected five winners for this grand prize. PayStay tracks availability at all of Fremantle's street and carpark spots and offers a touchless payment option.

Parking Solutions+3

Fremantle, WA

AU flag


Fremantle, WA adjusts its Small Business Capacity Building Program for COVID-19 struggles

Council leaders leverage relationships with local and regional groups to help small businesses weather the pandemic. One-on-one mentoring from Business Foundations results in operational plans that withstand economic struggles. Specialized training sessions in creative fields and tourism are provided by Fullsky and Tourism Council WA. Additional free resources include access to the Fremantle Funding Finder tool and Fremantle Chamber of Commerce forums.

Business Engagement+3

Fremantle, WA

AU flag


Fremantle, WA finds affordable housing solution for homeless women with My Home project

The city council approved 18 one-bedroom units to be built on unused land from the state. My Home serves women aged 55 years and older without permanent homes. Fremantle selected a prefabricated housing design with modern amenities that requires only one day for construction. My Home buildings are slated for 15 years of occupancy before the land is returned to Western Australia.

Land Use Planning / Development+4

Fremantle, WA

AU flag


Fremantle, WA developed IntraMaps GIS to make public data more accessible

IntraMaps uses six modules including Properties, Aerial Imagery, and Heritage to define available filters. The system allows users to layer information on a city map ranging from historically significant trees to disabled parking. A click on any spot on the map shows information like bin collection days, elected officials, and property types.

GIS Mapping+5

Fremantle, WA

AU flag


Verified Projects

Melville, WA incentivizes waste reduction by parents and carers with Cloth Nappy Rebate

Melville worked with Fremantle and East Fremantle leaders to design a rebate program that decreases landfill waste. The council offers 50% refunds on nappy purchases and services up to $200 AUD per participant. This incentive is available for parents as well as seniors in need of adult nappies. Every applicant must complete a workshop by Nappy Guru on how to transition from single-use to reusable products.

Waste Management+2

Melville, WA

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Fremantle, WA

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