Greater Geelong, VIC

City in Victoria

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252.2k population • AU$117.0m budget

Greater Geelong, VIC protects grey-headed flying foxes in local park with smart irrigation system

The grey-headed flying fox is considered a vulnerable species with high susceptibility to heat stress. Greater Geelong and community organizations installed climate sensors in trees surrounding a flying fox colony in Eastern Park. The sensors evaluate temperature and humidity with nearby smart sprinklers activated to cool the colony. Recent sensor data are available for public review in the council's Data Exchange platform.

Parks and Recreation+2

Greater Geelong, VIC

AU flag


Greater Geelong, VIC surveys young people about pandemic impacts for COVID-19 Youth Impact Report

Residents aged 12 to 25 complete a short survey about the effects of COVID-19 on their health, well-being, and long-term goals. Participants also suggest ideas for how the council can counter pandemic-related challenges. Greater Geelong encourages participation in the one-month survey with a random drawing for an AUD 50 shopping voucher. The Youth Development Unit will combine survey responses with academic research in developing services, events, and other resources for young people.


Greater Geelong, VIC

AU flag


Greater Geelong, VIC protects against fires at garden waste facility with temperature sensors

Greater Geelong processes 35,000 tons of garden waste per year at two organic collection facilities. Council officials and Sequence Digital began the development of the RM1 sensor for the Anakie facility in 2018. The RM1 features 4G connectivity, a weather-proof casing, and solar panels for off-grid power. Council employees monitor real-time sensor data for spikes preceding compost fires, thus supporting preventive measures across a 10,000 cubic meter facility.

Facilities Management+3

Greater Geelong, VIC

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Greater Geelong, VIC leads the development of a fiber-optic network on the Bellarine Peninsula

Greater Geelong, AARNet, and Deakin University are partnering on a 35-kilometer connectivity network. The first phase installs 11 kilometers of fiber-optic line parallel to the Bellarine Rail Trail. A one-year installation project focuses on public facilities like Drysdale Library. The Eduroam wireless network used by university researchers and students will be powered by the network. Once completed, the network supports future lines in rural and coastal communities.


Greater Geelong, VIC

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Greater Geelong, VIC designs a climate modelling platform for long-term infrastructure management

City officials wanted to incorporate climate adaptation into the development of its Long Term Financial Plan. A prototype dashboard programmed with a climate-focused methodology was developed after extensive interactions with local stakeholders. This dashboard compares baseline infrastructure costs with estimates of how climate change will impact infrastructure in 30 and 50 years. Greater Geelong's investment in a first-of-its-kind platform adds an adaptive lens to council decisions.


Greater Geelong, VIC

AU flag


Greater Geelong, VIC uses Procurement for Innovation process for world-first geopolymer bridges

This process asks vendors to develop products not yet on the market for targeted public needs. Greater Geelong published a tender for pedestrian bridges that could last at least 100 years without maintenance. Engineering firm Austeng led the development of a geopolymer with fiber reinforcement that is 15% stronger than concrete. Two geopolymer bridges at Cowies Creek reduce the council's $500,000 AUD bridge maintenance costs with minimal environmental impact.

Parks and Recreation+4

Greater Geelong, VIC

AU flag


Greater Geelong, VIC engages local residents in the search for animal habitats with the Hollow Hunt

The Hollow Hunt project tracks current and future nesting locations for local animals with community help. Greater Geelong published a list of old-growth trees as a starting point for citizen scientists. Participants complete a form with photos along with hollow details like size, height, and location. Council officers track nesting patterns and publish precise maps on the Geelong Data Exchange based on form responses.

Parks and Recreation+4

Greater Geelong, VIC

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