Middletown, CT

Municipality in Connecticut

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47.6k population • $216.0m budget

Middletown, CT launched a website for American Rescue Plan Act funding application submissions

The city of Middletown launched a website for business and property owners to submit applications for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. Eligible applications are forwarded to the ARPA committee and reviewed based on the number of people impacted, urgency of the proposal, readiness to proceed, budgeting, and project feasibility. The city plans to offer workshops on the uses of ARPA funding and the statutory requirements associated with the allocation of funds.


Middletown, CT

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Middletown, CT launched a food diversion program to help local businesses compost organic waste

The City of Middletown partnered with Hartford-based Blue Earth Compost to launch the "Feed the Earth" food diversion program. The program will provide free composting bins to Main Street business owners to help turn restaurant organic food waste into nutrient-rich compost and renewable energy. Participating businesses simply transfer waste from the kitchen with a 5-gallon bucket and empty it into a 32-gallon barrel which Blue Earth Compost picks up twice a week.

Waste Management+3

Middletown, CT

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Middletown, CT city staff created a community garden to promote sustainability and reduce food waste

The City of Middletown created a community garden outside City Hall to promote sustainability and reduce food waste. The city's staff planted vegetables, flower, and herbs with seeds donated by members of the Middletown Garden Club. The city is going to post signs near the garden with information about gardening and composting at home. Anyone is invited to pick a few items and participate in the sustainable cycle of anaerobic digestion composting.

Parks and Recreation+2

Middletown, CT

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