Prospect, SA
City in South Australia
Prospect, SA adopts Water Sensitive Urban Design features for better management of water supplies
Prospect pursued WSUD principles to reduce flooding, naturally filter water pollutants, and support local wildlife. Council officials installed 80 TREENET inlets on roadside verges with irrigation to nearby trees. Additional features like the permeable pavement at Devonport Terrace and raingardens on select streets further Prospect's WSUD goals. Passersby learn more about how each feature functions by scanning QR codes on adjacent signs.
Prospect, SA
Prospect, SA extracts resources from household waste with battery and light bulb recycling program
The council's administrative building in Payinthi accepts free drop-offs of qualifying items. Residents can drop batteries for handheld appliances, mobile phones, and smart devices into a yellow tube. The customer service desk accepts fluorescent, halogen, and incandescent bulbs that otherwise head to the landfill. Prospect extracts valuable metals from gathered items and responsibly disposes of the remaining waste.
Prospect, SA