Stillwater, OK

Municipality in Oklahoma

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United States

45.7k population • $83.8m budget

Stillwater, OK recruits remote professionals around the country with a new incentive program

Stillwater partnered with MakeMyMove on an incentive package for remote workers seeking an affordable community. The program's centerpiece is $5,000 in down payment assistance for new homeowners who stay for at least seven years. Additional housing incentives include $1,500 for relocation costs and $300 for closing costs. New residents connect to the Stillwater community with free concert tickets and fitness courses available through the program.


Stillwater, OK

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United States

Stillwater, OK is contracting CivicPlus to rebuild the city's public-facing website for engagement

The Stillwater City Council unanimously approved plans to contract CivicPlus to provide website services and solutions. The contract negotiations will involve CivicPlus rebuilding the city's public-facing website to include previously unavailable features such as a 24/7 chatbot and surveys to facilitate citizen engagement.


Stillwater, OK

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United States

Stillwater, OK Police Department is purchasing 90 body-worn cameras for all of its officers

The Stillwater Police Department is purchasing body-worn cameras for its officers to provide transparency to the public and to help officers learn from footage of their interactions. The department is adding 90 cameras for all of its personnel including specialty units such as code enforcement and animal welfare officers. The estimated total cost for the body cameras, data storage upgrades, and internal upgrades is $379,000.

Body Camera Solutions+4

Stillwater, OK

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United States