
Uberlândia, MG

Municipality in Minas Gerais

BR flag


699.1k population

Uberlândia, MG places healthcare information in resident hands with Saúde + Uberlândia mobile app

The mobile app safely stores user records including allergies, medications, and past appointments. Residents receive text reminders days ahead of primary care and specialist appointments. Saúde + Uberlândia connects to patient load monitors at hospitals and clinics for quicker access to care. Public health officials stay in touch with residents through digital campaigns and a feedback channel to the city ombudsman.


Uberlândia, MG

BR flag


Uberlândia, MG provides greater transparency at public hospitals with patient load monitors

Urgent care facilities and emergency rooms now house digital screens with information on current patient loads. Each monitor shows the patient's name, facility, check-in time, and estimated wait time. Patients are highlighted based on the Manchester Protocol for triage ranging from blue for non-urgent situations to red for immediate emergencies. This system allows patients to make informed care decisions while administrators can better manage hospital resources.


Uberlândia, MG

BR flag


Uberlândia, MG preserves river basin biodiversity with Buriti seedling program

The city's Department of Water and Sewage collects native seedlings from recovered springs in rural areas. Nine thousand seedlings from 12 plant species were planted at the municipal nursery for germination. Municipal employees fence off permanent preservation areas and transplant nursery plants at no cost to participating landowners. Uberlândia protects native species, decreases planting costs, and educates the public about the environment through Buriti.

Parks and Recreation+3

Uberlândia, MG

BR flag


Uberlândia, MG achieves a 60% reduction in building permit application times with Alvará um Clique

The Alvará um Clique - or One Click License - portal offers three permitting channels for homeowners and contractors depending on project type. The Light License path can be completed within one week of payment. Simplified license applicants receive completed documents in an average of 12 days, while the complete license has a 30-day time limit for review. One Click License expedites construction projects with a completely online application, review, and approval process.

Permitting & Licensing+3

Uberlândia, MG

BR flag


Uberlândia, MG sends social service teams into vulnerable neighborhoods with Busão Social

Busão Social - or Social Bus - is a mobile service center scheduled for stops throughout low-income areas. Municipal staffers navigate visitors through public assistance applications, utility fee schedules, and senior service questions. The bus is designed for accessibility including a wheelchair elevator and adjustable furniture. Visitors receive COVID-19 kits including masks and hand sanitizer to reduce viral transmission.

Citizen Services+3

Uberlândia, MG

BR flag


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