Waalwijk, NB
Municipality in Noord-Brabant
Waalwijk, NB created an intake table program that provides residents with expert advice on planning
The Municipality of Waalwijk created an intake table program which offers residents who are interested in taking an initiative a free 30-minute consultation with experts. Participants receive insights into the possible opportunities, obstacles, and feasibility of their plans. The intake table program was designed specifically for the early stages of planning such as during the drafting of an application or an environmental permit.
Waalwijk, NB
Waalwijk, NB installed a free solar-powered Smart Tire Pump to reduce under-inflated tire usage
The Municipality of Waalwijk installed a solar-powered Smart Tire Pump that can be used by residents and visitors free of charge at any time to prevent driving with under-inflated tires. The Smart Tire Pump fully inflates any vehicle's tires with precision accuracy and immediately displays the savings in euros, liters of fuel, and reduced carbon emissions afterwards. The Smart Tire Pump accepts contactless payment, utilizes a touchscreen display, and only requests donations from users.
Waalwijk, NB