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London Borough of Redbridge, GB installs map16 IOT drain sensors for improved flood monitoring

London Borough of Redbridge, GB map16 IOT Drain Sensors


One hundred drains on streets with high flood risks were outfitted with sensors. Three sensors were also installed on Seven Kings Water River for river level monitoring. The Gully Sensor sends alerts to council personnel based on real-time data on water levels and grate status. The sensor network feeds into a dashboard for visualizations of current drainage. Borough officials benefit from map16's predictive analytics including best-case and worst-case scenarios for weather events.


London Borough of Redbridge, GB

London borough in England

GB flag

United Kingdom



Redbridge - Redbridge installs state-of-the-art drain sensors to boost borough’s resilience to flooding

Redbridge installs state-of-the-art drain sensors to boost borough’s resilience to flooding


London Borough of Redbridge Gully Sensors - map16 Asset Management ltd

map16 Asset Management have started working with The London Borough of Redbridge to supply them with their Smart IoT Gully Sensor system.

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