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Graz, STE local bars and restaurants become "Luisa" certified to protect women from harassment

Graz, STE protecting women from harassment


The city of Graz's Women and Equal Opportunities Department launched the "Luisa is here" campaign to help women escape unpleasant and potentially dangerous situations at local bars and restaurants. The city encouraged local bars and restaurants to become certified "Luisa Bars" where women can discreetly ask the staff "Is Luisa there?" to immediately receive help. Participating staff members at local restaurants and bars received training on dealing with sexual harassment situations.


Graz, STE

District-level City in Steiermark (Styria)

AT flag




Neue "Luisa"-Lokale - Stadtportal der Landeshauptstadt Graz

"Luisa ist da" ist eine Aktion gegen Gewalt und sexuelle Übergriffe in Lokalen. 10 weitere Lokale sind ab sofort dabei!


Kampagne für mehr Sicherheit beim Fortgehen startet in Graz - Stadtportal der Landeshauptstadt Graz

"Luisa ist da" ist eine Kampagne für Mädchen und Frauen gegen sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt.

Mais de Graz

Graz, STE distributed age verification discs to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage customers
Graz, STE developed the Family Competence Centre as a single point of contact for family services

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