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Kolkata, West Bengal adds WhatsApp chatbots for vaccination appointments and vital record requests

Kolkata, West Bengal WhatsApp Chatbots Vaccination Record


Public health officials introduced a WhatsApp chatbot for COVID-19 vaccination appointments to leverage the messaging app's popularity. Residents message +91 8335999000 and their first vaccination date to schedule follow-up appointments. This chatbot was successful enough to expand its reach from three vaccination centers to 100 centers. Kolkata later added a WhatsApp chatbot for birth and death certificate requests accessible by messaging +91 83359999111.


Kolkata, West Bengal

City in West Bengal

IN flag




Kolkata's WhatsApp Chatbot Helped 75,000 People Avail COVID Vaccines

NDTV and ChildFund present India’s Helping Hands, supported by WhatsApp, an initiative to set-up child-friendly COVID centres and run vaccination drives in vulnerable districts of rural India


Kolkata Municipal Corporation’s innovative way of using a WhatsApp chatbot for vaccination highlights path that other government departments can follow - Express Computer

In India, there are several innovative use cases of technology for improving e-governance. At a time when the Covid-19 crisis is still hurting the economy, there are several lessons that government organizations can take from the way the Kolkata Municipal Corporation has used technology

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