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London Borough of Haringey, GB launched Business Crime Reduction Partnership to protect businesses

London Borough of Haringey, GB Business Crime Reduction


London Borough of Haringey partnered with the Tottenham Traders Partnership (TTP) to launch the Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP). The BCRP scheme was designed to reduce the impact of crime for local small businesses and improve public safety. The scheme involves a coordinated partnership between the police, council, and the public in which low-level crimes are reported via a mobile app to protect the profitability of local businesses.


London Borough of Haringey, GB

London borough in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Tottenham Traders Partnership | Tottenham Regeneration

TTPThe Tottenham Traders Partnership (TTP) is a strong network of businesses that work with us, Haringey Council, and the police to promote and support Tottenham's High Streets. A wide range of independent businesses are members.The TTP hold regular meetings where members can share experiences with other traders, promote their businesses and discuss issues that affect trading including how to attract new customers, increase profits and improve safety and security.

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