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King County, WA partnered with the Lime scooter company to launch a one-year e-scooter pilot program

King County, WA one-year Lime e-scooter pilot program


King County partnered with the Lime scooter company to launch a one-year e-scooter pilot program. Residents can locate an e-scooter using the Lime mobile app, unlock it for $1, and ride it for 36 cents per minute. The county requires all riders to wear helmets, which are not provided, and encourages riders to wear a mask when outdoors. The e-scooters can only be used on roads with speed limits 25 mph or lower, only one person is allowed per scooter, and riders must yield to pedestrians.


King County, WA

County in Washington

US flag

United States


Scooter share pilot program - King County


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