Espanola, NM Police Department conducts 60-day trial of Automated License Plate Reading cameras
Espanola, NM Automated License Plate Reading cameras trial
The Espanola Police Department is conducting a 60-day trial of Flock Safety's Automated License Plate Reading cameras to detect stolen vehicles, catch criminals, and deter violent crime. If the pilot program is considered successful the department will spend $2,500 per camera per year to cover the costs of installation, maintenance, software updates, and cloud storage.
Should Police in Española, N.M., Use License Plate Readers?
The chief of the Española Police Department in New Mexico says automated license plate readers can help detect stolen cars and license plates, but watchdogs have voiced concerns about possible misuses of the tech.
Española police use of license plate-reading technology raises questions of privacy | Local News |
Flock Safety installs fixed cameras, set atop 10-foot poles, to capture photos of license plates and vehicle details before uploading them to a database in the cloud.
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