London Borough of Lewisham, GB

London Borough in England

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United Kingdom

303.5k population • £1.1b budget

London Borough of Lewisham, GB Climate Action Bond funds climate resiliency projects

The Climate Action Bond campaign seeks £1 million in community investments for sustainable projects. Residents purchase bonds starting from £5 in exchange for returns to be announced when bonds are available in 2023. Borough officials will use the funds for building retrofits, bike parking, and plug-in vehicle chargers. This initiative follows Lewisham's commitment to the Local Climate Bond pledge by the Green Finance Institute.


London Borough of Lewisham, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

London Borough of Lewisham, GB counters child poverty trends with The Bank of Things

Borough officials and Lewisham Local turned a unit in Lewisham Shopping Centre into The Bank of Things. Businesses and community members provide items ranging from toiletries to art supplies for patrons aged 11 to 25. The council's Baseline and Youth Hub teams provide guidance on educational and employment goals for those who are out of school. Volunteer peer counselors work with fellow young people to navigate common challenges.


London Borough of Lewisham, GB

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United Kingdom

London Borough of Lewisham, GB activates young residents for Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Project

The council co-designed an ad with young residents for its Sugar Smart Lewisham initiative. This ad will appear on 12 digital billboards on Lewisham High Street. Local officials work with outdoor advertisers JCDecaux and Outsmart to access vacant ad spaces for obesity prevention efforts. The Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Project will conduct similar engagements with young stakeholders to shape impactful ads elsewhere in the borough.


London Borough of Lewisham, GB

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United Kingdom

London Borough of Lewisham, GB removes barrier to social services for the homeless with ProxyAddress

ProxyAddress provides free addresses to homeless residents in the borough. The addresses are digital copies of addresses from the country's 225,000 vacant homes. Participants complete applications for everything from bank accounts to jobs with their ProxyAddress information. This first-in-the-UK service forwards mail to the user's preferred pickup location including PO boxes and council offices. Lewisham pursued the pilot in recognition of the importance of housing as identification.


London Borough of Lewisham, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

London Borough of Lewisham, GB leverages local partnerships through COVID-19 Response Hub

Residents interested in volunteering from home or with foodbanks signed up on the hub website. Borough employees and volunteers used the hub to process requests from residents in need of check-in calls and essential deliveries. The COVID-19 Response Hub housed a local charity directory and a newsfeed with stories about community initiatives. The London Borough of Lewisham created the portal with local partners to show its commitment to Locality's Keep It Local initiative.

Citizen Services+3

London Borough of Lewisham, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

London Borough of Lewisham, GB places ward development funds in resident hands

The borough engaged in a six-week process with residents selecting spending priorities for their wards. Priorities were identified and narrowed through the Commonplace platform and at local assemblies. Borough officials approved final projects based on suggestions from residents. This biennial initiative relies on the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) - a tax applied to development projects - for funding.


London Borough of Lewisham, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom