Malmö, SE

Municipality in Sweden

SE flag


344.2k population

Malmö, SE streamlines city and national services with State Service Center pilot

Municipal officials approved a consolidated service pilot at its Rosengård office in 2020. Residents visited one location for local and national services rather than completing multiple trips. Available services ranged from preschool registrations to social insurance questions. A municipal counselor and a State Service Center official coordinated complementary services depending on the visitor's needs. Malmö later approved a permanent version of the pilot with a second location in Värnhem.

Citizen Services+3

Malmö, SE

SE flag


Malmö, SE deployed trash cans that play "sexy" audio messages to encourage proper waste disposal

The city of Malmö deployed "sexy" trash cans to discourage littering by incentivizing proper waste disposal. The public trash bins are programmed with audio messages that play when people deposit their garbage in them. The audio messages are short, seductive clips of a woman's voice saying phrases that function as sexual double entendre for waste disposal.

Waste Management+2

Malmö, SE

SE flag


Malmö, SE introduces Open Malmö podcast as part of campaign for more inclusive city

Podcast interviews feature city staffers and cultural leaders discussing how the city celebrates diversity while confronting prejudice. The initial round of six interviews included the city's cultural director, a local musician, and a board member of the European Network Against Racism. The Open Malmö podcast complements engagement efforts like a community survey on how the city can welcome visitors as part of WorldPride 2021.

Diversity & Inclusion+2

Malmö, SE

SE flag


Malmö, SE develops video monitoring program for senior residents under in-home care

City technicians install cameras in the bedrooms of participating seniors. Each participant agrees to a monitoring schedule with their caregiver. Cameras used in this program cannot record video or save photos, thus protecting resident privacy. A central monitoring agent reviews live feeds to determine if participants are in bed, have fallen, or experience health issues. Home care personnel are deployed on-demand rather than conducting nighttime checks.

Video Streaming+2

Malmö, SE

SE flag


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