Sollentuna, SE

Municipality in Sweden

SE flag


73.9k population

Sollentuna, SE launched "two meters of love for you" COVID campaign to encourage social distancing

The Municipality of Sollentuna launched the "two meters of love for you" campaign to encourage residents to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The municipality painted hearts, that stretch across two meters, in public places to showcase the proper amount of social distancing that should be used by residents. The image of a heart was chosen to represent the love, care, and consideration involved with reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Parks and Recreation+3

Sollentuna, SE

SE flag


Sollentuna, SE simplified its building permit application process with a focus on customer service

The Municipality of Sollentuna launched the Customer Focus Building Permit project to simplify and improve its building permit application process. When accessing the new system users are visually guided through each step of the process. The municipality's goal was to improve the customer service experience by implementing a simple self-service digital solution.

Permitting & Licensing+2

Sollentuna, SE

SE flag


Verified Projects

Österåker, SE collaborated with neighboring municipalities on the Green Wedges Northeast website

The Municipality of Österåker collaborated with neighboring municipalities to launch the Green Wedges Northeast website. The ten green wedges are large contiguous green areas from the surrounding countryside which are developed independently of municipal boundaries to create good conditions for animal and plant life. The website was designed to spread awareness, encourage biological diversity, and help residents find green excursions near their home.

Parks and Recreation+3

Österåker, SE

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Sollentuna, SE

SE flag


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