St. Albert, AB implements Intelligent Transportation System for improved traffic efficiency
St. Albert, AB Intelligent Transportation System Efficiency
The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) connects IoT devices to a central monitoring platform by fiber. Bluetooth units at four intersections monitor vehicle times between fixed points on St. Albert Trail. Advanced detection technology anticipates vehicle arrival at intersections for real-time changes to traffic signals. City staffers receive system updates, device alerts, and live traffic feeds from the ITS platform.
Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation |
Recognizing individuals and organizations for their work in advancing transportation in Alberta.
Intelligent Transportation Systems / City of St. Albert
Improving Safety, Mobility and EfficiencyThe ITS Strategic Plan targets the use of technology and innovation to improve road network safety, mobility and efficiency. It provides a strategic approach to how the City may integrate ITS applications into the transportation network.The ITS
City Receives Award for Transportation Innovation / City of St. Albert
On May 2, 2022, the City of St. Albert received an award for Operational Innovation through the 2022 Minister’s Awards for Transportation Innovation at the Consulting for Engineers of Alberta’s 2nd Annual Transportation Connects Alberta Conference in Red Deer, Alberta.The award is in
St. Albert - City Receives Award for Transportation Innovation
On May 2, 2022, the City of St. Albert received an award for Operational Innovation through the 2022 Minister's Awards for Transportation Innovation at the Consulting for Engineers of Alberta'. . .
Project Succeeded
St. Albert won the Operational Innovation category at the 2022 Minister's Awards for Transportation Innovation.
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