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Port St Lucie, FL offers curb-to-curb public transit through Treasure Coast Connector On-Demand

Port St Lucie, FL Treasure Coast Connector On-Demand

In Progress

Residents in southwestern Port St Lucie use a dedicated app to request free rides in the Gatlin Road area. A city van travels optimized routes to accommodate as many rides as possible within the service area. This service offers wheelchair-accessible transit to specific addresses not regularly served by traditional buses. The On-Demand pilot operates Monday through Saturday with an average pickup time of 25 minutes.


Port St Lucie, FL

Municipality in Florida

US flag

United States


SLC Ride | St. Lucie County, FL

Treasure Coast Connector, Bus Information, Direct Connect, St. Lucie Count Bus System

Project Succeeded

The Treasure Coast Connector On-Demand pilot completed 3,415 trips in its first eight months.

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