MidCoast, NSW

Area in New South Wales

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93.3k population • AU$236.4m budget

MidCoast, NSW experiments with smart water meters in Stroud Road before councilwide rollout

Households and businesses throughout the rural community receive free smart meters for the three-month pilot. MidCoast is evaluating retrofit and newly installed meters as they consider the feasability of use throughout the area. Participants keep their meters after the pilot and access water consumption data from their utility accounts. The council hopes real-time data catch water leaks and improve quarterly billing accuracy.


MidCoast, NSW

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MidCoast, NSW swaps helicopter for drone during aerial bush spraying pilot

The council conducted a one-month drone trial to improve its bitou bush eradication efforts. Drone operators were able to target coastal areas more precisely and in less time than previous campaigns. MidCoast also replaced rockface applications by climbers with the drone, reducing time and risk for council staffers. Future campaigns will draw on pilot data to prevent the plant's spread while minimizing impacts on tourist destinations.

Pilot / POC+2

MidCoast, NSW

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MidCoast, NSW uses #shopmidcoast gift cards to incentivize resident involvement in local economy

MidCoast recruited 170 local shops and service providers to accept #shopmidcoast cards as payment. The council rewarded shoppers who purchased these cards during the launch month with entries into a drawing for 10 $100 AUD cards and one $1,000 AUD card. Participating businesses are promoted on the council's social media accounts for greater program exposure. MidCoast also conducted a drawing for five $100 AUD cards based on responses to the National Recycling Week survey.

Business Engagement+3

MidCoast, NSW

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MidCoast, NSW successfully piloted a fast-track process for development applications

A three-month pilot allowed applicants with simple building projects to request expedited approvals. Qualifying applications needed to show no substantial constraints on construction nor required approval by neighbors. The fast-track process applied to applications for single-story buildings, garages, and pools. An assigned development officer provided assistance to applicants from initial contact to the final decision.

Pilot / POC+3

MidCoast, NSW

AU flag


MidCoast, NSW encourages proper hazardous waste disposal with Mobile Recycling Trailer

The Mobile Recycling Trailer allows local residents to dispose of batteries, light bulbs, and chemicals not accepted for home pickup. MidCoast scheduled nine stops for the trailer in 2020 to accommodate households throughout the city. Residents dropped off up to 20 kilograms or 20 liters for free and spoke with waste experts about proper disposal practices.

Citizen Services+3

MidCoast, NSW

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