Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, GB takes lead on Multi Agency Safeguarding Tracker development
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, GB Safeguarding Track
Local officials recognized gaps between agencies when sharing information about vulnerable residents. The MAST platform was co-designed by Walsall, the NHS Trust, West Midlands Police, and West Midlands Fire and Rescue. The implementation process identified children and adults involved in multiple incidents or unaddressed incidents requiring safeguarding. Social service professionals share case updates and collaborate on improved services through MAST.
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker | Local Government Association
The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker creates a data driven digital approach enabling information from multiple safeguarding bodies to be easily and securely shared, matched and anonymised. By limiting access to the necessary information to only authorised parties, this approach sits squarely within the GDPR regulations and wider requirements as demanded by the Data Protection Act 2018.
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