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Monterey, CA conducts EngagementHQ campaign for public feedback on commercial cannabis expansion

Monterey, CA EngagementHQ Commercial Cannabis Feedback

In Progress

City officials are using the platform as they open commercial cannabis licenses outside of the Ryan Ranch Industrial Zone. A five-minute survey asks residents to share location ideas and concerns. The EngagementHQ page houses an open comments section and Q&A feature reviewed by project leaders. Two virtual community sessions and a mailed survey expand Monterey's reach as it considers new retail, production, and testing locations.


Monterey, CA

Municipality in California

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United States


Commercial Cannabis | Have Your Say Monterey

While California legalized cannabis (marijuana) with the passage of Proposition 64 in 2016, it is up to each municipality to decide if and how commercial cannabis retail, manufacturing, cultivation, events, and testing should be conducted in their communities. To date, the City of Monterey has not allowed for commercial cannabis retail, manufacturing, or cultivation. In our region, the cities of Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, and Marina, and the County of Monterey (unincorporated areas of Carmel, Big Sur, Moss Landing, et al.) have allowed commercial cannabis operations. In 2020, the City of Monterey began to consider a change in policy that could allow commercial cannabis activity. At the December 1, 2020 City Council Meeting, staff provided a Roadmap to Cannabis, with the goal of "Getting it Right the First Time." The sections and links on this page provide an outline for commercial cannabis in the City of Monterey and are based on the road map foundation. On December 15, 2020, the City Council passed a new ordinance amending the City Code to allow agricultural testing laboratories (including cannabis testing) as a conditionally permitted use in the I-R Zoning District. Basically, this will allow prospective testing laboratories to apply for a conditional use permit for cannabis testing labs. The City Planning Commission reviews use permits through a public hearing process that includes public noticing and meetings. This new law is effective on January 14, 2021. For more background on California Cannabis Legislation, please visit the California Cannabis Portal at While the legislation begins at the state level, each City has the opportunity to enact its own Cannabis laws and regulations based on many factors, including what's the best for a particular community as a whole. The City of Monterey began this process in 2018.

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