Porvoo, FI is preparing a bicycle traffic promotion program and mapping bike lane problem areas
Porvoo, FI bicycle traffic promotion program
The City of Porvoo is preparing a bicycle traffic promotion program. The goal of the program is to raise awareness of the benefits cycling as a key part of urban transportation. The program will also address the logistics of local cycling arrangements including maintenance, parking, traffic, etc. The city is asking residents to complete surveys on the current conditions of bicycle traffic such as mapping problem areas and shortcomings for bike lanes.
Porvoon pyörÀtiekysely
Map based questionnaire service
PyörÀliikenteen edistÀmisohjelma - Porvoo
Raportit Porvoon pyörÀliikenteen edistÀmisohjelma (hyvÀksytty kaupunkikehityslautakunnassa/18.8.2020 ja kaupunginhallituksessa/7.9.2020) Porvoon pyörÀtiekyselyn yhteenveto PyörÀliikenteen edistÀmisohjelman tavoitteet Porvoon pyörÀliikenteen edistÀmisohjelman laadinta kÀynnistyi kesÀkuussa...
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